Thursday, December 31, 2009



2009 has been one tough year and, i can say, one of the best (for me at least). So many things happened, good and bad. And i am very thankful that i'm still here, (blogging haha) and continuously walking in this parade of life.

May all of us continue our good works to others and to ourselves, have a peaceful life, lots of love, good health and keep our faith to the Lord.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009


From: Carmi-Lou
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:03 AM
To: Anne Bulaon
Subject: LAST DAY!

From: Anne
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:12 AM
To: Arguelles, Carmi-LouSubject:

Honga!!!! Wehehehehehe.. grabe kinikilig ako sa pbb! Bwahahahaahahahaha...
From: Carmi-Lou
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:24 AM
To: Anne Bulaon
Subject: RE: LAST DAY!

Yak jologs
From: Anne
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:29 AM
To: Arguelles, Carmi-LouSubject: RE: LAST DAY!
Jologs na kung jologs! Pero saging lang ang may puso!!!!! Wahaahahahaahahah


I must admit, i'm one of the "Melason" fans! And if you we're not able to watch them from the beginning and follow their love story, you won't be able to appreciate kilig feeling whenever they're together.

Jason, at first, was very quiet, does'nt really bond with his housemates, and sleeps a lot! Melai is his opposite. She's very cheerful, talkative, hyperactive and bonds well with everyone.

As days go by, they seemed to get closer to each other. I can say that Melai has influenced Jason to open up, change his not-so-good habits, and he has really improved in terms of being a housemate. Everyday they make the viewers happy by the way they treat each other (those i-love-to-tease-u-but-i-hate-to-hurt-u moves). And they have developed deep friendship inside Big Brother's house.

Now, the biggest challenge that they have to face (so far) has arrived. Melai and Jason has to stay inside the house...separated. (See
Bagyong Walay episode)

Their first few days apart made them realize how much they miss each other.. and most importantly, how they really feel for each other. It's quite obvious that their funny love-hate relationship is getting deeper.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

♥♥♥ Happy five-two naneeh! ♥♥♥

November 18, 2009... Today is our five years and two months anniversary (62nd monthsary).. Yes, we still celebrate monthsaries every 18th of the month and that's one of the things that keeps us closer to each other.

Today also means 10 months to go before our 6th anniversary and our special day. Also means, i only have 10 more months to live as "Miss Bulaon". Everything is exciting, full of wonder, special and sometimes scares me (but in a good way). I'll make sure every moment of this counts.

I'm so glad we've come this far hon.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hay.. Men.. blogspot was intruduced to me by my cousin a few months back. It shares humorous, senseless, sometimes offending, tactless, true-to-life, pictures, ideas and/or videos that for some may appear be another crappy site, but it mirrors the reality of who and what we are.

And it's now gone...

All posts are gone.

Pictures and videos are gone.

Only thing that's left is this...

:' (

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why People Get Divorced

I was reading ralationship blogs when i came across this article which i find interesting.

Some good advice to think about if you’re marriage is getting kind of rocky:
A book could be written to describe all the reasons why married couples get divorced. I want to highlight a few of the major components behind marital divorce. It is important not to be tricked into thinking that couples just wake up one day and decide to divorce each other. Most often, divorce is just the icing on a cake that has been in the oven for months, or even years. The following are a few ingredients in that cake:

Lack of Communication and Disclosure

You never hear a recently divorced person say that the reason they got a divorce was because their spouse was an excellent communicator who was too trustworthy. Often, a marriage that is largely healthy can spiral into a divorce simply because each participant refuses to acknowledge minor flaws. The majority of marriages begin as a wonderful, romantic, almost fairy-tale interaction between two people. That is what is known as the “honeymoon phase”. This phase doesn’t last forever. In a marriage, it is important that each partner is mature enough to acknowledge that, eventually, you’re going to get annoyed or frustrated with the other person. By doing so, when the honeymoon phase does end, and the normal day-to-day problems of marriage begin to rear their ugly head, they won’t come as such a surprise. Couples who are honest about the reality of life and relationships are much less likely to get a divorce. Life is not like the latest chick-flick starring Hugh Grant. Be sure your partner is aware of this.
Significant Changes in Body Weight or Appearance
Needless to say, physical attraction is a very significant part of an intimate relationship. The reason most married couples ever got together in the first place was likely because they were physically attracted to one another. After several years of marriage, it’s not uncommon for one (or both) partners to stop taking care of their body like they did when they were single. Infidelity is one of the leading causes of divorce. It goes without being said that one major contributor to infidelity is a spouse who no longer seems physically attractive.


The decision to create a child is arguably the most important choice many couples make. It would be easy to fall into a trap of thinking that children are wonderful and perfect and “a gift from God”, but the reality is that children place a significant burden, in a multitude of ways, on marriage. All too often, after the honeymoon phase of marriage ends, couples attempt to rekindle this passion by creating children. Ironically, it can often have the opposite effect. Since children require so much time and money to raise properly, married couples will soon discover that they hardly have any time to themselves. One spouse may be working longer hours to foot the additional expenses of a child while the other is investing several hours of their day to ensure the child’s upbringing. Before you know it, years go by and the couple realizes they’ve hardly spent anytime maintaining their marriage.


It sounds simple, but there are some people in this world who are just not meant for the institution of marriage. These people were often called “free spirits” or “adventurers” throughout their lives. Often, they are able to flip a switch and exist in a marital relationship without a problem. But if one spouse in a relationship was “trapped” into the marriage, don’t expect them to stick around forever. Sometimes people simply get bored and decide to make a change. Before marrying, it is important to identify these traits in a potential spouse. It could save the emotional and financial headache of divorce years down the road.

Personality Shift

An ideal marriage involves two people fully secure in who they are who have reached a point in their lives where they simply wish to share themselves with another person. The majority of marriages do not meet these standards. Instead, people marry too young before they’ve had a chance to explore life on their own and reach some conclusions for themselves. Eventually, people will gravitate toward their mind’s calling of who they really are. It is inevitable. It is the purpose we have for being alive. When two people marry each other before one (or both) have had the chance to become entirely confident in who they are as a person, there will be troubles down the road. One spouse will notice the other asking for more space and attempting to spend more time by themselves. This is a reaction, a flight response, that is our mind’s way of separating itself from outside influences so it can just “be itself”. Many-a-marriage have resulted in divorce following a significant change in values and personality from one participant.

Article Source:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I like this song very much... and colbie is just sooo pretty in this music video. ♥♥♥

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm a Red Person

I love learning and discovering more about myself - my growing personality, what type of personality i have according to certain things i choose, why i am like this and that, what i can do and be or what not. My mind is full of questions - which most of the time leaves me confused. I remember one time asking my aunt (r.i.p.)so many things and she just told me, "Maraming tanong ang hindi pwedeng sagutin, dahil ang isip natin ay limitado lang. Pag pinilit mo, sasabog ang utak mo." ("Many questions are not answerable, because our minds are limited. If you insist, you head will explode.") And whenever i catch myself asking questions again, i remember her.

And so i came across with this Color Code Personality Test from. Though i've seen a lot, i find this interesting because of, i can say, challenging selection/identification of myself. The graphical result and the explanation are provided below.

Reds (Motive: Power)

Reds are motivated by Power. They seek productivity and need to look good to others. Simply stated, reds want their own way. They like to be in the driver's seat and willingly pay the price to be in a leadership role. Reds value whatever gets them ahead in life, whether it be in their careers, school endeavors, or personal life. What reds value, they get done. They are often workaholics. They will, however, resist doing anything that doesn't interest them.

Reds like to be right. They value approval from others for their intelligence and practical approach to life, and want to be respected for it. Reds are confident, proactive, and visionary; and but can also be arrogant, selfish, and insensitive. When you deal with a RED, be precise, factual, direct, AND show no fear!

Friday, August 14, 2009

My September

One year and thirty four days from now, I will get married to the only man i loved for five years ...and counting. It'll be our sixth anniversary on that same day. I'm so excited and nervous and happy - all good feelings are swallowing me just thinking about it, i bet even more when that day comes. But we like to just enjoy that day, be as casual and simple as we are, but make sure that it'll be memorable for everyone.

As i compose this blog, i came up with this piece about wedding day, though i dont have a title. Here it is...

i wonder how it really feels like..
to wake up and prepare in an anusual way.
to get all dressed up because it's an extra special day.
put on my make up, spray my favorite perfume..
sure i'd like to look radiant and in full bloom.

i wonder how it really feels like..
to see the crowd waiting for at you.
they take pictures because this is all brand new.
everyone is excited and they are all dressed up too..
longing to see your dress coz they dont have a clue.

i wonder how it really feels like..
to finally step down the long isle.
grant a glance to your guests and smile every once in a while.
i see others with tears, i wonder if the feeling is really that strong..
guess i just have to see as i walk along.

i really wonder what it feels like..
to see your man waiting in the altar,
perhaps so overwhelming, but for sure i will not falter.
when he reaches for your hand, it's your long walk's ending..
but it will be the start of wonderful new beginning.

Hope u like it =)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Italian Spaghetti

try this at home.. soo yummy! =)

Spaghetti with Asparagus, Smoked Mozzarella and Pancetta
- angel hair spaghetti (or any other pasta you like)
- pancetta (italian) or bacon (pinoy)
- asparagus (or baguio beans)
- smoked mozzarella; diced (actually any cheese will cut it =P)
- salt and pepper
- olive oil
- drench asparagus in boiling water, then shock it with ice cold water and cut them into tidbits
- chop pancetta/bacon into small cuts or strips
- in a boiling pot of water, put in a small amount of salt and put in the pasta for about 2 mins or till al dente.
- with small amount of olive oil (or butter) saute bacon/pancetta strips and asparagus
- add the spaghettini when ready, and pour in a small amount of spaghetti water to mix the flavor.
- add in salt and pepper to taste, mix then add the diced mozzarella.

Chicken Saltimbocca

i just love italian recipes from Giada.. this is one of the few that i really liked, since my fiance and i love chicken so much. hope you'll like it too!

chicken saltimbocca

- very thin chicken slices
- pancetta or bacon
- spinach (or substitutes like chards, kale or even lettuce)
- greated parmesan
- salt and pepper
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

how to cook:
- season the spinach with salt and pepper. In a small bowl, toss the spinach with 1 tablespoon of oil to coat
- layer the chicken slices with bacon spinach, grated pamezan, salt and pepper to taste.
- roll the chicken and lock with sticks
- fry the chicken roll until all sides are brown
- add chicken broth and let simmer for about 8-10 mins (until broth is a bit thick)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My firsts..

Each of us has our own firsts. Funny moment, favorites, journals, job, love, school, etc. It may feel awkward, funny, scary, or even painful. But for me, every firsts are very significant, because you learn from them and they become a part of who and what you are and what you may be.

My first doll: A tan barbie doll. It was one of the prizes i got from a contest when i was 6 years old.

My first declamation piece: An Invitation. Written by my beloved aunt, (RIP) which i used in a contest.

My first school: Nuestra Seniora Del Perpetuo Succor (Instruccion, Manila). My kindergarten school.

My first academic award: Second honors: kindergarten

My first sickness: I had kidney stones at 5. Thankfully, i got cured in 2 months time.

My first drawings: Princesses and houses.

My first crush: Ramil M. Castro, in grade 5 - he's my first serious crush.

My first accident: I fell from the stairs and it left me with a sore ankle.

My first course: Computer Science - my first and only course for four years.

My first project: An inventory system using Visual FoxPro - on my second year in college.

My first job: Customer Service Associate in a call center - this means a lot to me.

I have so much more firsts that i can share. But those are what i recall right offhand. The firsts that we have will always be there to remind us what we used to be. How about you? What were your most memorable firsts?