Friday, April 23, 2010

Jejemon (not again!)

I have been quiet about this "new craze" (at least on the blogging side =P) . I've seen hundreds of search results, writings, fan pages, pictures, and now a video which made me want to break my silence. =D

By now, i assume that around 70% of Filipinos (especially those who are very active online) already knows about this. Some may not be aware that they know already, but they have encountered -- just not able to categorize.

So for those who’d like to enlighten themselves with what’s going on…Here’s the for now, definitive description of what a jejemon is courtesy of Urban Dictionary:

1. Jejemon - Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling. CAUTION: THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE BREEDING! THEY CAN BE SEEN WRECKING GRAMMATICAL HAVOC ON FACEBOOK TOO!

2) Jejemons - are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing “jejejejeje” in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

3) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.

On AIM or YM:

miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!
You: Huh?
miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!
You: You are a jejemon! Don’t talk to me, you uneducated retard!
miszMaldiTahh111: T_T

So there..



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