I've read a good article from Yahoo! today about parenting trends. Aside from my mom's advices and friends' stories, i read anything about parenting. I'd like to be able to set my expectations even before I conceive. At the end of the said article, there are ten helpful tips to for moms give themselves permission to take care of themselves and, in doing so, find more joy in parenting:
1. Give yourself a break—you don't need to be so hard on yourself.
2. Just say no! What are your real priorities?
3. Take time to write it down. Journaling will bring clarity to your life.
4. Slow down and savor living in the moment.
5. Plug into your kids so you can really connect with them.
6. Don't forget about your husband—intimacy is life-affirming!
7. Reach out beyond your family. It will enrich everyone.
8. Make your physical and mental health a priority.
9. Is more always better? Simplify everything.
10. Be a little selfish—you deserve it, and it will make you a better mother.
Source: Yahoo!
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