Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sorry, but do i know u?!

Have u ever experienced being unrecognized? Like, when u saw an old friend but doesn't seem to recognize u at all, no matter how hard u try to refresh the person's memory? The feeling sucks pala!

My fiance and I are walking towards our workplace when he decided to buy something at a food chain. I saw this person who used to be my office mate and friend (even more, she was my ex-boss' ex..digs?). She was the one who even referred me to where i am working right now. She has left the company for 2 years now. But for me, at least, 2 years isnt that long enough to forget someone u used to know. And so the moment i saw her, i smiled widely (bec i was surprised to see her and of course i'm glad) But she replied with a puzzled look. Still assuming that she still knows me, i asked her "Uy kamusta?" and again, she answered "po???!!!" with a stupid-looking-surprized facial expression. I tried to mention very familiar names and places that we both used to know (i even mentioned her ex, which i know isnt a very good idea) but still no sign of her reme
mbering me. Ending, it felt so embarrassing. Not for her, not for the people around us, but to myself. I felt so embarrassed. Like, "why the heck am i forcing her to remember me?!"

But that's how i am. If i know u or at least have known u, i'll approach u. This experience, for me, was unpleasant. I dont know if she just really have forgotten me already, or she just chose not to recognize me. Eitherway, after writing this blog, venting, i dont care at all.

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