Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Hamlet" Ice Cream

There are times when i have those "dreams-before-i wake-up" kind of dreams - which normally gets unfinished. And before waking up today, my "d.b.i.w." dream was kind of frustrating.

I was inside a convenient store when i saw a large freezer, full of ice cream. There are about 10 different flavors and strangely, the flavors written on each label are very uncommon - even the look of the ice cream. My eyes got caught by the one at the rightmost side of the freezer. The flavor of it was "Hamlet" and it's P37 per scoop - which i think is worth-trying. And so i asked for 1 scoop of the Hamlet, the salesperson even told me "Isang scoop lang po yang P37 ha.." and i said "Okay".

In my dream, Hamlet looks like a double dutch ice cream but when i tasted it... it amazingly has a pinch of sweet mango! It was soooo delicious! Best part is, when i looked at the serving, my cone was as big as a bowl and the scoop of the ice cream was as big as a small-sized melon. Of course I took a few licks and bites while approaching the counter. I was so excited! And while i was paying for it, my phone alarmed! Dammettt!!!!

So expectedly, i woke up so frustrated about that Hamlet ice cream. I was thinking about it while i was on my way to work. Where on Earth can i find that ice cream?!!!!

And my kumare sent me this nice interpretation... :)

From: Carmi
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:32 AM
To: Anne
Subject: ice cream

To see or eat ice cream in your dream, denotes pleasure and

satisfaction with your life. You need to savor the moment and enjoy

it. It is also indicative of good luck and success in love.

Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you need to cool off and not

let your temper get out of hand.

To dream that you are eating ice cream that is tasteless or sour,

signifies sorrow, disillusionment, or betrayal.

To see ice cream melt in your dream, symbolizes failure to realize

your hopes and desires.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I have mentioned in one of my previous blogs that there been so many changes within our office. Personally, I'm fine with changes as long as it doesn't have any direct negative effects on us and our responsibilities. As a team, we have also been prognostic and prepared for other changes to come. And that's what we thought!

I started with the company 3 years ago. Now, I work as a sales admin to my division, and I report directly to the manager - long story short, i'm her right hand. And we've been working closely for a good 2 years now. The division itself has been through a number of challenges, difficulties, changes, and successes, which gave us a strong foundation and help us become one strong family.

"I want you to be the first to know, that this will be my last month within the division." Before she even finish that heartbreaking sentence, so many questions were running into my mind - Why? Is she leaving the company? Was there a problem? Is she going somewhere else? Then she explained and made everything clear to me. She'll be taking another responsibility within the company. And while we're talking, she was crying. I was crying too (deep inside), but I don't want her to see it for some reasons.

She told me that 5 minutes before the team meeting, where they will formally announce what's going to happen. After our talk, i went straight to the washroom and broke down.

It's not that i am not open to the change, I just think it was too soon and time left is now too short. I don't have any issues with us going to another management, it's just that we'll surely miss her so much.

I also know, as they say, that this shall come to pass. But no one can ever take away the good things learned, lessons taught, good and bad times spent together, and the trust and respect that we have had with her.

And I will never forget that she was also the reason why I still have this job.

Thank you for everything, Boss!

Monday, June 14, 2010

I am now at my 25th year of existence on Earth (wow!), last Thursday, June 10th.

And within that 25 years, there have been A LOT of relevant experiences, learnings, responsibilities, discoveries, challenges, etc., that have contributed mainly to who I am right now. While i'm not really the goal-setter type of person when it comes to my life (only), i still have dreams and desires. And without me really planning, i can still say that i'm living a life that's just enough (physically, mentally, financially, emotionally and spiritually - for me at least) and i think that's what matters most.

I have finished school,
I have a stable and good-paying job,
I have a lot of acquaintances, many friends and a very few close friends,
(I know) I have a strong faith,
I am very happy with the family that i belong to,
I am very happy and so much inlove with the only guy that i am with - and will marry him soon,
I am contented with what and who I am right now.

These are my only basis in life. If you have these, for me, you should be nothing but happy and thankful already.

I'd like to thank all my friends and family who remembered my birthday. May we have many more years to be together!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Presenting, The new President and Vice President of the Philippines

Finally, my presidential and vice presidential bets are officially proclaimed by the Philippine congress!