Tuesday, December 21, 2010

If only...

i miss my childhood Christmas holiday.

i miss spending time with all my cousins during Christmas.

i miss coming home to our province

i miss seeing my titos and titas happily tell stories to each other.

i miss sleeping with all of my cousins during the Christmas eve.

i miss our exchange of gifts.

i miss everyone cooking/preparing their specialties.

i miss waiting for midnight, when all of us would gather together, pray together, eat together and spend the whole twilight together.

i miss mommy.

i miss lola.

i miss my christmas family.

i miss the old me.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Generation Currency

I've been collecting old Philippine coins since college and i've kept some of the old bills too. Actually, it all started with the ten peso commemorative coin that was given to me by my high school friend - i think her dad works in BSP.

This commemorative coin is way thicker, bigger and heavier than any other coins that i have seen.

I've kept that coin since then. During one sembreak in college, i stayed in the province and i found a small box containing around twenty pieces of 1972 Bagong Lipunan twenty-five centavo coins :) i was so amazed! Then i formally started collecting other old coins. I also found one last five peso bill in my old wallet and i remembered my mom giving me her old two-peso bill. Currently, i have about 50 pieces of different old Philippine coins wrapped individually in a piece of paper, all piled in a rectangular tin box. Kuya ron (my cousin who's a better coin collector =P) told me to wrap them separately and to not wipe them as they might be scratched.

And why am i talking about this? Because i've read P-Noy's post on fb about BSP to start releasing the initial batch of new banknotes tomorrow! It's been in the news for a while, but i think i'm still lucky to find it out before they finally release it =D

According to the article New Generation Currency, the initial batch of new banknotes will be released in December 2010 while new coins will be introduced beginning 2012. Current banknotes will remain legal tender for at least three years. The new banknote design will feature famous Filipinos and iconic natural wonders. Philippine national symbols will be depicted on coins.

All bank notes will have a color almost similar to the ones used on the current bank notes—orange for P20, red for P50, bluish violet for P100, green for P200, black/gold for P500 and blue for P1,000.

I am just so excited to see all these new money and keep at least one each of our current ones because for sure, all of them will be history.

Click here to see the features of our new banknotes.

aylaveeet!!! =D

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sweet Exhaustion

This is also my shout out on fb right now.

It's been two weeks now since I and Winston started really preparing for our wedding. We've done the planning, budgeting, listing.. almost everything together, which is really nice. This week's preps were more exhausting, more legwork. We've settled around a good 40-60% of the required paper works - filed and submitted an application form to the church and some documents, then after next week, hopefully we'll finish the legal ones. Haaay..

Our sleeping rate this week has been few to none. Our food consumption? Well, let's just say it equates our tiredness =)

There's one thing that i've realized.. Despite of the sleeplessness, exhaustion and all, aside from the main purpose (which is getting married), what really keeps my excitement is the quality time we spend together. I thought that the bond that we already have is the closest that we could ever become. Being together every minute of everyday sounds very basic. Being together and treasuring every moment is something else.

We get to visit the places where each of us grew up, meet different people from different places, discover new places to eat, choose from a variety of things and come up with one final decision. These things draw us closer to each other. Welcoming new things to our relationship is an adventure. Funny how sometimes it feels like the first few months of your dating days.

And i would like to end this blog by sharing you this thread..

ANG !!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

You're Invited...

One of my best buddy and kumare, is ecstatic - as she says in one of her blogs. And yes, she is. It's because one of her sample picture on her new website has become visible in Google Images..nasa page 3 nga lang! hehehe.. (joke! pang-basag lang hahaha).

But still, with so many other search results that can be displayed, her work is there =D (so proud of you, dude!) And i'm really glad that she's happy with what she has chosen to do. Since college she's been very dedicated to photoshop-ing.

And because of that, last Saturday, i've decided to ask her the favor of creating the invitations for my wedding =D. I never thought that she'll be that delighted. So delighted that she posted it on her fb wall, and now.. it's posted on her blog =D

But no worries, i'm in good faith with her works. I know that my wedding invitations will be as lovely as the event.

Tengkyu, dabs!

....for you :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Double Down Scrutiny

When i saw the KFC Double Down TM commercial on tv about a month ago, i've been curious about how it would taste like.

Our office building has one KFC store at the ground floor, and i always see the big poster of the product at the counter. On the first week of the double down press release, i saw that the poster has been marked "Sold Out" for several consecutive days - which made me more curious about it's taste.

In the following weeks, whenever i drop by the store, i still hear people ask for the same product. I was still not buying then because i was assuming that i would have to wait for a while since the sandwich is very in-demand.

Today, i was able to see and taste the thing.

There's no big difference in taste when compared to their original recipe chicken. Only it is boneless and oilier in appearance.

I was really looking for the bacon strip that looked tender and deliciously red in the poster. But while munching, i thought i was seeing and eating pieces of ham.

The cheese was nicely melted and spread inside. But the slight tang of the mayo on my first bite made the first impression~ I think that without the mayo, you'd be better off eating crispy strips =P

This is how it looks like in the poster

When served, it looks more like this..

I am a self-proclaimed chicken lover, eater and a critic.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

C is for Cartoons and Children ;)

Yesterday, when i opened my facebook account, i saw a post from my former colleague that says "Change your facebook profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same. Until monday (Dec.6) there should be no human faces on Facebook, but an invasion of memories. This is for violence against children" and her profile pic was indeed an old cartoon character.

I did not pay much attention to it, thus, didn't change my profile pic at once.

When i checked back after a few hours, i saw that many of my friends have posted the same thing and changed their pics into their chosen cartoon character - and that's when it got me interested.

And so i excitedly thought of my favorite characters. But since most of the Warner Bro's characters have already been chosen, i just picked one of my favorite anime character, Miaka Yuki from Fushigi Yuugi.

I was supposed to pick Alfred from Ghost Fighter, but i thought, i should be choosing my own gender.

My other friends and realtives have been asking what's up with fb nowadays. And so i told them too.

Today when i checked fb, i was amazed to see that most of my fb friends has changed their pictures =D.

All i can say, social media.... powerful!