Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Learning a new art

This is my first blog as Mrs. Mendiola, officially ;-) It's been almost 3 weeks now.

And how's married life? Great! And when i said great, i meant a lot of things - good and not so (lol). But of course everything should be good! For one, because you've made one of the biggest decision in your life. Two, you've decided to live with the man/woman of your dreams. The one that you'll be living with, dealing with F.O.R.E.V.E.R..

So how's everything so far?

On our first week, everything's cool. Honestly, there's no huge difference, since we're kinda used to being together almost everyday even before we got married. No, we're not living-in together before marriage, i'm talking about the usual sleep-overs that most couples do. I think another reason could be, not being able to move-in yet into a new house - we're still staying with my family. And during weekends we plan to stay at their house. Nothing different from what we used to do for at least a year now.

Second week was as exciting as the first. Intimacy has been valid (what a term!) - i meant, it became more enjoyable than ever - i think because of the fact that marriage gives you the "license" to do the deed without the guilt. I've also started noticing a few things i have never seen him do before. Or maybe i have, but i'm just not really paying much attention.

Two things that i've learned in two weeks: MORE patience and team work.

Why MORE patience? Because through our six years together, i've learned and practiced patience already. And i think i'm starting to feel that i need to learn and have more of it =P
And team work, actually a more solid team work. Need i explain more?

We are on our third week now. Everything's as good as before, only that there's something that really bothers me.. i am missing 'me'. I miss being alone. The feeling of not having to think about anybody else but me. I miss sleeping alone, eating alone, watching tv alone. I tried to tell my mom about it and she said it is very normal for me to feel that way. Because we're still starting and we have to adjust to our new situation. And she mentioned patience - just as how important it is as i've realized.

I do not feel like i've done a wrong decision when i married him - of course not! I do not have any regrets. And i'm definitely not complaining. I think i am just really at the point of adjusting.

I look forward to learning and discovering new things with my husband. Ultimately, i'd like to be the best wife in the world.

...And i promise to write more about married life :-)

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